Manual Staff

"The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the little extra. "

-Jimmy Johnson

The teachers and staff at duPont Manual High strive daily to provide an excellence in education that is extraordinary. At duPont Manual High, you will find that our teachers and staff do that little extra to give Manual its uniqueness as we provide for our students. Common characteristics that you will find in our staff:

  • A passion for teaching and learning
  • A love of our students and their success
  • A love of our subject matter
  • An understanding of our role in our student's journey toward the future
  • A willingness to change and reflect to best meet our student's needs
  • A work-ethic that doesn't quit

The teachers and staff at duPont Manual expect that all students can and will achieve in their classroom. The teachers and staff are prepared to engage their students each and every day to provide effective instruction that will enable student success not only at their time at duPont Manual High, but in every avenue they choose in the future.

School Email Contact

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Administrator Email

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Counselor Email

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Office Staff Email

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Manual Teacher Email


Math Science Social Studies World Language Technology Library Family Consumer Science Health/PE Art Communications ECE Intervention

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YPAS Teacher Email